8 Benefits of Fitness

8 Health Benefits of Fitness

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We know that fitness can benefit us in many ways and that it’s hard to set aside a few hours of our day to head to the gym for a workout.

We also have priorities, but it doesn’t mean that we can’t increase our physical activity at home or work.

It takes a lot to find the motivation to exercise, but the benefits of it are worth the hassle.

Who knows maybe you’ll even enjoy it, you’ll never know until you try.

Here are 8 Health Benefits of Fitness! 

Strengthen Your Heart – Lowers the risk for cardiovascular disease

You may or may not know this already, cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. By changing your fitness status, you can lower the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Here are some cardiovascular disease:

Coronary Artery Disease – Damage or disease in the heart’s major blood vessels

Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) – When the heart doesn’t pump blood as well as it should

Arrhythmia – The irregular beating of the heart; too fast or too slow.

This is not new, there has been many studies and research on how exercise can help lower the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Exercising will strengthen your heart.

Lose Weight – Lower your blood cholesterol and triglycerides

There’s the good and the bad cholesterol. Good cholesterol (HDL) and bad cholesterol (LDL). 

HDL and LDL simplified physiology:

  • High-density lipoprotein cholesterol – The good cholesterol takes excess cholesterol in your blood and takes it back to your liver to break it down and remove it out of your body. 
  • Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol – The bad cholesterol. The reason why it’s bad is that LDL will build up within the walls of your blood vessels which causes it to narrow. A narrow passageway can cause a clot which can cause a stroke or a heart attack.

Moderate aerobic exercise per week can help you lose and as well as lower your triglycerides (fats).

Not only do you lower the risk of premature mortality, but you’ll also lose weight!

Fitness Benefits

Lowers Blood Pressure

As we get older, our blood pressure increases. Increasing one’s physical activity can lower blood pressure by 4 to 9 mmHg, which’s as much as some medications. According to research, uncontrolled hypertension increases the risk of heart attack, heart failure, kidney disease, stroke, and cognitive decline. Physical activity plays a big role when it comes to controlling our blood pressure.

Lowers the risk for diabetes

There are two types of diabetes. There are type 1 and type 2.

Type 1 diabetes is when someone can’t produce insulin. Type 1 diabetes is insulin-dependent, meaning you have to keep taking insulin to help lower your blood sugar. 

Type 2 diabetes is when someone can still produce insulin.

Insulin is a hormone that our pancreas produces to allow sugar to enter our cells to produce energy. When our blood sugar is rising in our bloodstream, our pancreas secretes insulin to control it.

It has been proven that walking for at least 30 minutes per day can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes by approximately 50%. Someone who has type 1 diabetes and depends on insulin medication can still exercise and increase their physical activity to help reduce insulin intake.

Shape up your body – Weight Loss

Depending on how intense and frequent you workout you can lose weight and shape your body up. One of the best things to do is to have a workout plan and stick to it. Now if you’re like me, who has a hard time getting motivated, it’s best to find a friend or a family to have a friendly weight loss competition with. Having a workout partner will give you motivation and accountability which will create good habits!

Loss weight while you shape your body the way you want it to be.

8 Benefits of Fitness

Feel happier – Release Stress

Have you ever heard of the runner’s high? Basically, it’s the feeling of euphoria coupled with reduced anxiety and a lessened ability to pain.

Some of the hormones that are released when you workout:

  • Endorphins – This is the chemical that is released that makes you feel happy.
  • Dopamine – Known as the pleasure chemical.
  • Growth Factors – Help regulate muscle mass growth.
  • Serotonin – More serotonin means more energy and clearer thinking. 

Lowers the risk for premature mortality

Obesity, metabolic syndrome, and high blood pressure are just some risks that are caused by being sedentary. Hypo means low and kinetic means movement. Start moving more and increase your daily physical activity.

Get more out of your life – Better quality of life

Live your life to the fullest! You’ll be able to perform activities of daily living without fatiguing easily. Hike beautiful places that you weren’t able to before. You’ll get to enjoy nature more!

8 Benefits of Fitness

Make fitness as part of your life. Use it as medication. Whether it’s to release stress, increase cognitive awareness, or simply just to look and feel better about yourself.

These are only 8 benefits of fitness, fitness will help you feel better and unlock your full potential. Remember it’s never too late to add fitness to your daily routine!

Here are some helpful resources!

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