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7 Ways To Get Motivated For Your Workouts

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For many people, the hardest part about working out is getting started. It can be easy to get discouraged after a long day of work and think that you don’t have the energy to make it through your workout. Most of us know that it is important to work out and stay active, but it can be difficult to find the motivation to go.

But with a little bit of motivation, it’s possible to find the strength when you need it most. I’m sharing these tips on how to get motivated for your workouts. These are tips that I use till this day.

7 Ways To Get Motivated For Your Workout

Pick a time and place for your workout.

We all have different schedules, pick the best time that is most convenient for you. Try and  pick a time that is not too early in the morning or late at night.

If you are having trouble finding an appropriate place to workout, try purchasing some workout bands to workout at home. Even a simple yoga mat will help you in the long run! I personally use workout bands till this day.

Home workouts are the best, because  you can workout in your own home. You don’t need to worry about traffic or parking, and you have the privacy that is needed for a good workout.

With a yoga mat you’d be able to do a lot of  different exercises. Exercises such as calisthenics, bodyweight workouts, HIIT, and Yoga. If you’re not sure what type of workout is best for your needs and wants just ask me. My social media is there for you.

Make Sure You Have Everything You Need To Get Started

Make sure you have everything you need to get started for your workout. Here are the items I recommend: Water, Earphones, and Towel.

If you’re like me, a towel is not too big of an issue for my workouts. But if your subconscious about sweating and want to have the option to wipe off sweat, bring a towel.

Get Yourself Pumped Up With Music Or Motivational Quotes

Get yourself pumped up with your favorite music. Studies have shown that listening to your favorite music can help you get motivated.

I recommend listening and also some reading motivational quotes before a workout because it will give you the extra boost you need when your motivation is low. Try it! It really works.

Find An Exercise Buddy To Keep You Accountable

Finding a workout partner will help create that accountability that you need to get motivated. You’ll also have someone there with which makes it a whole lot more fun!

Some say to find a workout partner that is at your current fitness level, I say BULL! Find a friend, someone you get along with. I have friends who have higher level fitness than me, but we like working out together  because it doesn’t feel like a workout. It kinda feels like you’re just hanging out. I’m not saying not to workout with someone with the same fitness level, I’m saying find someone who you know very well vs someone who you kind of know. You know what I mean?

Because realistically, no matter what, someone who you know very well, will be there for the jokes, motivation, support, laughter, and the grind.

Grab your friend and go for a run/jog/walk!

-Do it for a 30 minute duration. This is your cardio portion of the day and it will help you burn more calories throughout that whole week.

Try New Activities Outside Of Your Comfort Zone

New classes bring new people, new energy and a whole lot of motivation.

It’s also great for your mental health to try something different! You’ll be surprised how much you enjoy it if the instructor is good at what they do.

If not then just find another class that suits better with who YOU are as an individual person. If you’re someone who’s shy, you can find a class that’s more low-key.

I used to attend this cycling class at my local gym, I loved it because it was held in a low dim room. No-one will be staring at you when you’re sweating. Plus, the instructor was amazing. She had the music blasting and kept everyone motivated.

If you’re someone who’s competitive, find a class that has some sort of competition in it!  

It’ll make your workout so much better and will help keep the motivation going for as long as possible because we all know how hard those last few minutes are to get through.

I challenge you to attend and try a class in your area.

Reward Yourself!!

Rewards! Oh how I love rewards. A good way to reward yourself after a workout is to indulge in something you love. Whether it’s chocolate or your favorite drink.

Obviously, don’t over do it!

The mindset I have is, if I eat more than normal, I have to workout a little bit harder to compensate for it. Whether to running a little bit longer, doing extra exercises at the gym, or sneaking in an extra workout in.

Friendly Competition

This one is my personal favorite. Whether it’s with a friend, family member or even your significant other.

It doesn’t have to be anything crazy.

For example, who can do the most total pushups in a day, week, or even a month.

It can be something as simple and fun like who will do the most crunches or squats within an hour.

The key is to make it fun and competitive!

If you’re not into the competition thing, then a friendly bet can work too. You could do something like who will lose more weight in an allotted amount of time or even how many miles each person runs within that same timeframe (or any other type). The point being, it’s a friendly bet.

This is also an excellent way to motivate yourself if you’re not into the competitive aspect of things.

The point being, make your workout more fun and less like work! It will help keep up with motivation levels for sure. The key here though is that these competitions or bets should be something you’re willing to lose.

If it’s something that doesn’t matter, then there won’t be any stakes and therefore no motivation!

Another good tip on how to get motivation for workout is using your Apple Watch to keep track of your progress. You can also set competition between other friends who have an Apple Watch. Not only that, your Apple Watch rewards you with medals for achieving certain goals.

I hope you were able to find some motivation in this article. I would love to hear your thoughts on what you think of these six ways!

I hope that the next time a workout comes up, it’s not as daunting and seems more achievable with all those great tips from me today.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me through my social media page and I will be happy to answer them.


How can I motivate myself to workout everyday?

If you are struggling to find the motivation, try setting a goal for yourself. Try these tips I wrote down for you. Also, try watching a motivation video on YouTube or listen to a podcast.

how can I motivate myself to workout when tired?

The best way to motivate yourself when you’re tired is to tell yourself that you are going to workout. It’s the best way because it can be hard for us when we’re tired and our motivation is low, but if you say “I’m doing this” then your body will start listening more than usual!

why can't I find motivation to workout?

The best way to find motivation to workout is to make sure you have a plan. Without a plan, you’ll be clueless on what to do. It’s like when you’re hungry and don’t know what to eat. You’ll end up eating anything that is in your fridge, but if there was a plan for the day then it would be easier on yourself because now all of those decisions are already made!

when is the best time to workout?

The best time to workout is when it’s the most convenient for you. Try to find a time that you’re most likely to be able to workout. For example, if your work schedule is 9a to 5p. Try and workout before work or after work. 

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