Can You Lose Weight While Working Out in an Air-Conditioned Room?

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Working out in an air-conditioned room is one of the most common questions that people ask. Many people believe that it will be impossible to lose weight while working out in a cold environment like this, but this couldn’t be further from the truth!

Read on to find out more about how you can still get all of the benefits of working out even if you are doing so in your home or office where there is AC.

Can You Still Lose Weight Exercising With AC?

The answer to this is an absolute yes! Whether you’re working out outside in the heat or inside with air conditioning, you can still lose weight.

Working out in an air-conditioned room can be good for you because it helps cool your body, making exercise easier and keeping the muscles from overheating.

How Does Weight Loss Happen?

Weight loss happens when we increase the calories burned and reduce the number of calories consumed. The best way to lose weight is by burning more calories than you take in through a healthy diet plan, exercise program, or both together!

You will greatly increase the success of your weight loss journey if you combine both diet and exercise. What I recommend is to calculate your macro nutrition to the specific fitness goal you’re trying to achieve.

Read More: How to Breakdown Your Macronutrients

With that being said, it doesn’t matter if you’re working out outside in the heat or inside with air conditioning.

The Benefits of Working Out Indoors With AC

There are some benefits of working out indoors with AC, especially during the summer months when it is hot outside and your body may be prone to overheating!

Top 5 Benefits of Working Out Indoors With AC:

  1. Working out indoors will help you to avoid the heat and over-exertion that can happen outside in hot weather.
  2. Working out indoors will help you focus on your workout without being distracted by other people or what is going on around you.
  3. You don’t have to worry about sweating as much when it’s cool inside, which means less stress on your body!
  4. It may be more comfortable working out with AC since an air conditioner should keep the room at a lower temperature than the outdoors even if it’s still warm outside.
  5. Lastly, some people find that they are able to work harder during their workout while staying cool indoors because they are not overheating like they would outside where there is no relief from the heat unless they stop and walk around.

Key TakeAways

You can lose weight while still in an air-conditioned room. As long as you are working out regularly and consuming the proper amount of calories, your body will be able to burn more fat than usual because it’s not trying to generate heat like when exercising outside on a hot day.

When you work out in a cold environment, your muscles actually contract which burns energy faster and causes increased calorie expenditure. And since muscle tissue takes up less space for every pound that is lost, this means there is also less insulation around organs such as the heart or kidneys so they function better!


How does our body burn fat in an air-conditioned room?

Your body burns fat when you are working out in a cold environment because your muscles contract and burn energy faster.

How long can I work out on AC before it's too bad for my health?

There is no specific answer to this question, however just like with exercising outside if you have any preexisting medical conditions I recommend consulting your doctor first.

Do I still drink water even if I worked out indoors?

Yes, you should still drink water even if you worked out indoors. Learn more about staying hydrated here.

Should I work out as much when it's hot outside?

No! If exercising outside is too tough on your health then stick with working out inside where there is AC and temperature control.

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